Monday, June 11, 2007


Access is a database management system, it can help in decision making, its job is to store and retrieve information, and it has Wizards and other tools to make database management east.

Access cannot provide all services to all its users; it has by design useful database features for global needs. Special needs of Organization require programming an application created in Access. It has Tables, Forms, Reports, Data Access Pages and Queries. The Visual Basic can be used along with SQL and Macro programming to make Access customized to you.

There are Dialog boxes which can be programmed to feed Queries. Macros can be made to perform actions when users click a button or an event occurs. You can look at the codes of all 3 languages in code viewers.

Like all other Microsoft Office programs the Visual Basic and Programming needs literacy of codes to make use of it for specific needs. You can make custom functions in the expression builder box or Code builder window, also custom functions can be made if the built-in functions does not suit the requirement.

Access is not simple software like word or other office components, I myself do not have big experience in working with Access, and I have been using all my life PC, which is under sole use. So I don’t get to make database applications for multi-user. But this program is there always on my PC and in my office CD.

Elements of a Database
(1) Your created Application (2)Tables (3)Queries (4)Forms (5)Reports (6)Data Access Pages (7)Macros (8) Modules.
Applying property settings and methods to top level application object will inherit by everything in your application. If you apply active object on startup, it automatically saves all files when quitting.

Control Objects:
(1)Text Box (2)Buttons (3)Labels(4)Toggle Button(5)Check Box(6)Combo Box(7)Combo Box(8)Options Button(9)List Box (10)Command Button (11)Image (12)Unbound object frame (13)Bound Object Frame (14)Tab (15)Sub Form (16) Sub report (17) Line (18) Rectangle (19) Hyperlink (20) ActiveX.

Dot operators are the names defined by Access and bang operators are the names defined by users. Properties can be viewed usually only in design mode, each control has its own set of properties; there are 4 types of Control Properties.
(1) Format (2) Data (3) Event (4) Other

There are some useful points I gathered from here and there in random order to make this review complete:

(a) Viewing the list of objects that are bound to a selected object, also view the objects that are being used by the selected object.

(b)Macros, modules, and data access pages are not searched for dependencies. Access projects do not support this feature.

(c)Enabling error checking helps you identify errors and correct them.

(d) Rest your mouse pointer on the Error Checking Options button; click the arrow displays options to correct the error.

(e) Display an option to update the property of all that are bound to the field.

(f) SmartTags property adds a smart tag to field in a table, query, form, report, or data access page in a database.

(g) Back up database before making major changes to it. The backup is saved in the current folder or default location.

(h)Restore database, go to the backup, rename the file, and open it in Access.

(i)Apply the chosen theme to views, dialog boxes, and controls. To prevent form controls inheriting themes from the operating system by setting an option on the database.

(j)SQL and query Design views, can change font, size by using the Query design font option to Tables/Queries tab of Options dialog box under the Tools menu. The settings apply to all databases and works.

(k)In the SQL view of a query database, can get help specific to Jet SQL keywords, VBA functions, and Access functions. Press F1 to bring the help that corresponds to text near the cursor. You can also search the Jet SQL and VBA function reference topics.

(l)Importing, exporting, and linking to a Microsoft Windows Share Point Services list from Access
You can perform the following operations with a Windows Share Point Services list:
Export the contents of a table or a query to a list.
Import the contents of a list into a table.
Link a table to a list.

(m)Exporting and linking to Access data from Windows Share Point Services can export a list in its Datasheet view from Windows Share Point Services to table or to a linked table in Access. When you export to a static table, create a table in Access. You can then view and make changes to the table independently of the list. Similarly, can change the list in Windows Share Point Services, and it will not affect the table in Access.

(n)When exporting to a linked table creates a table and establishes a dynamic link between the table and the list such that changes to the table are reflected in the list, and vice versa.

(o) Make a local table from a linked table in Access 2003; make a copy of the structure or data and structure contained in a linked table.

(p)Enhanced XML support in MS Access 2003, you can specify a transform file when you import data from or export data to XML. The transform is applied automatically. Import XML data, the transform is applied to the data imported, before new table created or existing one appended. When you export data to XML, the transform is applied after export operation.

(q)At times a database contains lookup values stored in another database. Now include these related tables while exporting. Can include predefined filter or sort order for an object when exporting the object.

(r) Macro Security, MS Access 2003 allows protection against unsafe VB Applications (VBA) code by setting the macro security level. Set security level that you are prompted every time open a database containing VBA code, or can automatically block databases from unknown sources.

(s)Access uses Microsoft Authenticode technology to enable digitally sign a macro project using digital certificate. The certificate creating this signature confirms the macro originated from the signer, signature confirms it has not altered. When set the macro security level, you can run macros based on digitally signed by a developer on your list of trusted sources.

(t)Block Unsafe Functions, Access utilizes the MS Jet Expression Service enhanced sandbox mode to block unsafe functions from being used in expressions.

Microsoft Office Online is better integrated in all Microsoft Office programs you can take advantage of the site ,You can visit MS Office Online directly within your browser or use the links in various task panes and menus in Office program to get articles, tips, clip art, templates, online training, downloads, services to enhance your work with Office programs. The site is updated regularly with new content based on direct feedback and specific requests from you and others who use Office.

Yo Access is a smart small program with big use !!!


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